In my last article, I said that we are in an Era of Disruption. To thrive we must master being both dynamic AND stable. While a bit paradoxical, it is essential.
Dynamic Stability. Two words seemingly opposites represent the new equilibrium for thriving companies in this time of continuous change. The choice is no longer either this OR that but is now this AND that. This requires a major change in how we think and what we believe.
To thrive in this Era of Disruption, organizations must exhibit dynamic stability. Smartphones illustrate what dynamic stability is. The phone hardware and its operating system serve as a relatively stable core, providing a resilient and robust base for the functionality and value provided by the dynamic application layer.
In coming installments, we'll discuss why dynamic stability is important, what it looks like organizationally, what mental models and mindsets are and why many need to change to enable our organizations to achieve dynamic stability, and then how to begin and sustain this transformation in your organization.
Copyright, Jay Weiser and Weiser Strategy Group, 2019.